Do You Need Freedom? It’s Found In God’s Kingdom.

Receiving Freedom Ministries was birthed to give hope to those who need to be free by directing you back to God through Christ Jesus. He is the Only One capable of getting us to the Father (John 14:6) and setting us free (John 8:32).

***God is currently working out illegal violations against my Civil Rights as a Christian, my disability Rights, and my Human Rights for 20 YEARS!
Don’t miss my letter at the bottom of this page. A Law will SOON be changed in favor of caregivers!

Job 22:28; Matthew 7:7-8; Mark 11:24; Romans 8:28!

*A person can aggressively work for many years, but if this person has to stay home with his or her preschoolers, disabled loved one, or aging parent for over 5 years and then becomes disabled, he or she will be denied disability rights UNLESS THE DISABILITY INCLUDES BLINDNESS. Blindness is the only disability with no expiration on the work credits earned. We must demand Congress stop denying any worker the right to qualify for disability after they earn the credits.

I demand Congress remove the expiration of work credits for anyone who becomes disabled, especially caregivers who would have been paid for their role as full-time daycare workers or personal assistants.

Furthermore, I urge Congress to implement Special Caregiver Work Credits based on their caregivers’ roles, making their unpaid tasks equal to those that paid workers receive each year. These changes will keep caregivers from penalties during their unpaid years of caregiving. They must be rewarded for their responsibilities to the preschoolers, disabled children, or assistance to the elderly or aging parents.

Although unpaid for their work as caregivers, their retirement or disability pay should reflect the average earnings of “employees” paid for the same job title. Do not penalize their retirement or disability pay because they stayed home with a dependent needing care; reward them for their humanitarian efforts instead.

God's Love for You & Me
More of God's GReat Love, Sent Down from Above

This is one of the uplifting poems in my poetry books.

Stand Still and Watch God

The battle is NOT yours—it’s God’s, so JUST stand still,
even if the pressure begins to make you think it’s all uphill

Please REMEMBER, you do NOT have to fight;
for you, God will surely make things work out right.

Our Father WANTS His children to soar exceptionally high;
He wants us to help others succeed when they reach for the sky.

Don’t worry about anything—trust God, AND don’t fret;
Put thoughts of victory in your mind, and keep them set.

God loves You, and He will NOT ever fail,
so set your flags up high—it’s TIME to sail!

Your heavenly Father has now opened the blessing doors;
Just confidently walk through, for the victory is yours!

Deuteronomy 11:19; 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17;
Psalms 18:30; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10;
Luke 10:30-35; Romans 8:28; Romans 15:2;
2 Corinthians 2:14; Galatians 6:10;
Ephesians 1:3; Philippians 4:6-7 & 1 Timothy 6:17

Copyright © 2019, 2021 by Candice Jannise

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Though her life was difficult, Hannah Whitall Smith’s message was joyful. In the Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, she writes that “Jesus came to save you fully now, in this life, from the power and dominion of sin, and to deliver you altogether.” Passionate and practical, Whitall Smith’s classic of the Holiness movement focuses not on human effort but on simple, stubborn faith in the Savior.

God avenges His people when we ask, just as the widow in Luke 18:5-7 kept going to the unjust judge to ask him to restore what belonged to her. God is certainly not unjust. In God’s timing, He will give you justice by restoring what has been taken from you if you ask Him to, crying out to Him day and night, and do not doubt Him. Look at Matthew 7:7-8 and Mark 11:24.

Keep expecting God’s answers to your requests, and don’t give up!

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Will you please stand in agreement with me by asking your Senators and Congressmen/women to change the law that penalizes parents who stay home with their babies, even if they cannot afford a sitter?

Law # EN-052-10029 MUST EXEMPT caregivers from the additional job required of them!

I stayed home with my kids without knowing that if I would become disabled afterward I would be denied any help from my government because staying home with babies is not considered a “job” or “work” for a parent, although childcare is deemed as work for a daycare employee. Moms are penalized for staying home with their babies as I have been for 20 years. At 24, I had 38 work credits; I needed less than 20 to qualify for disability, but I did not know until after 4 years my C1 vertebrae in my neck twisted during childbirth, causing repeated sinus infections requiring antibiotics!

This vicious cycle abruptly ended when a chiropractor realigned the misaligned vertebrae. Nonetheless, the excessive use of antibiotics caused me to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is deemed a qualifying disability for Social Security. I legally qualified for disability; I just didn’t know it until my new doctor identified my problem in 2003 and qualified me through his diagnosis for DARS to pay for my massage therapy training in 2003-4.

To o add to the first disability, later, in 2004, a chiropractor caused the brain aneurysm from which I have not used my dominant hand since. NOW, I am denied disability, although I had C.F.S. when my 38 work credits qualified me, but I do not have the doctor’s notes to prove it, so I am again denied. I don’t qualify for disability from the paralyzing stroke because it was in 2004 and my work credits only qualified me for it until 1998! No doctor I saw told me my problem was Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I cannot prove it on paper, but I was not well, nonetheless, and denied disability rights as a result for 20 years!!!!

I am willing to testify in court and take a lie detector test to substantiate my claims but the Social Security agent said I would still have to have the paperwork dated by 1998 to qualify me for disability! I WANT JUSTICE!

Although medically disabled, I have never qualified for disability rights or pay. After 5 brain surgeries, a blood transfusion, a seizure, contracting MRSA (which kills), and a stroke that paralyzed my dominant side, I am disqualified for any pay. I have only made it this far by God’s grace through support from my family and friends.

If you want to donate to me personally, instead of to my business, please send a note stating your intentions that it’s for my personal use, not business and I will use it accordingly.

May God bless you for your kindness, as promised (Galatians 6:7).

Law # EN-05-10029 denies my Christian Civil Rights by demanding me to get a job while keeping watch over my preschoolers or be denied disability rights for staying home with them, in obedience to God’s Word in Titus 2:5, which is a BIG reason I stayed home with them, in addition to the Chronic Fatigue (a medical issue).

Law # EN-05-10029 MUST be changed to EXEMPT caregivers from further work requirements to their first roles or “jobs” if you will, as caregivers to their babies. Childcare is a demanding, yet rewarding God-given assignment and Social Security rules MUST not penalize a parent by denying his or her disability rights because of fulfilling this special call to raise a child instead of getting a “job” while training up a preschooler.

Please call your Senators/Congressmen, women and tell them you agree with me.

THANK YOU! God said HE will perfect this situation that’s concerning me; thank you for your prayers in agreement!

Psalm 138:8; Matthew 18:19

The letter I sent July 30, 2024 to Senator Ted Cruz about my unjust situation:

The title: Work Credits for Caregivers, not penalties

Why does Social Security penalize moms who stay home with their babies when they give daycare workers credits for watching the same babies they will penalize their moms for raising?

Child-rearing is a job regardless of whether the person responsible for keeping them safe is paid or not. Give caregivers qualifying “work credits,” not penalties, for their time in raising the next generation.

Proverbs 22:6; Proverbs 14:23; Titus 2:5.

I’ve been denied disability rights for 20 years because I stayed home with my babies. I want JUSTICE! At 24, I only needed 20 “work credits” to qualify for disability; I had 38! I am disqualified because all the credits were not IMMEDIATELY before My physical problems occurred, because I stayed home with my two preschoolers just before the paralysis occurred. The first disability happened in 94 when I was only 24 at the birth of my firstborn. The top vertebrae in my neck twisted during childbirth, causing 4 years of constant sinus infections requiring new rounds of antibiotics to combat the infections.

I was a sick girl, growing weaker each year. In ’97, the birth of my second child put the chronic infections and fatigue in overdrive! The severity intensified until I saw a chiropractor. When he put the vertebrae back in place, the facial, teeth and cheek pain I had for 4 years was immediately diminished.

I had to get realigned frequently to keep the problems at bay. However, the chronic fatigue remained undiagnosed until after our family moved near Dallas, TX.I did not learn that the fatigue was a medical issue until I moved near Dallas. TX. In 2003, I qualified for DARS to pay for my training to become a Registered Massage Therapist because of the Chronic Fatigue that my doctor gave the name for my medical condition.

I thought all moms experienced my problem; I had NO IDEA Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was a qualifier for a disability claim through Social Security until July 2024! The fatigue was prevalent all those years even until after I got my Massage therapy license in 2004. Later that year, a chiropractor caused me to have a brain aneurysm when he dislodged a blood clot in my brain!

I had 5 brain surgeries, a blood transfusion, a seizure, and a stroke that paralyzed my dominant side. I have not used my hand since then., yet I HAVE NEVER QUALIFIED FOR DISABILITY BECAUSE I STAYED HOME WITH MY PRESCHOOLERS 30 YEARS AGO!

I STILL HAVE more “work credits” on my Social Security account at my age now than I need to qualify for disability, yet I’ve been denied since April 2005!!! Technically, I should say 30 years because as I said, I only recently learned I qualified for disability 30 years ago. The problem is, I do not have documentation to prove my claim because doctors shred files on former patients after 7 years, so now I legally have been denied for 30 years!

If Congress would give moms a special “Caregivers Work Credit” equal to those earned by daycare workers I WILL receive the 2 credits I lack to reach 40 for retirement when I reach 60 in 2030!

Denying moms the right to stay home with their # 1 priority, their gift from God who told them to be “keepers of their homes” in Titus 2:5 is in violation of our Civil Rights as Christians. I move a motion for Congress to either give moms the “Caregiver work credits” as a daycare worker would each workday, without pay.

The ungodly Medicaid laws have forced me to take out a loan against my life insurance policy to qualify for S.S.I. when I qualify for disability, yet denied, although I have the credits.

Social Security is punishing me for staying home with my babies 30 years ago, when that’s what God’s Word told me to do in Titus 2:5! In Jesus’ name, I pray for JUSTICE.


Matthew 7:7-8

I receive JUSTICE and expect moms to no longer be disqualified for disability after staying home to raise their preschoolers.

Give Caregivers (usually moms) work credits for keeping their babies, not penalties!

Candice Jannise, pronounced Jan-Niece

Psalm 89:14 & Psalm 138:8

My miracle story: